Another one of my favourite "resurrection speculations" is the idea of doppelgangers which I've written before in my previous profile. In this day and age as more and more people adopt dysgenic policies, and a lot of beautiful and great qualities are "wasted", my theory about doppelgangers is an odd comfort to me.
There's a philosophical debate about Leibniz's identity of indiscernibles and "haecceitism". The debate has to do with whether we are simply nothing more than a bundle of properties or is there an individual essence of being a particular individual even if one shares all the same properties as another. Suppose there were two men, John and Tom, and they look identical, have the exactly same physical and even mental properties, being 1.7 meters, weighing 70kg, etc, etc, right down to the last atom. However, is there a remainder individual property of "being John" which is distinct from the property of "being Tom"?
I am not so much interested in this philosophical debate but in the idea that there are certain "individual" properties, say, the property of looking like Cate blanchett, which can be "recycled" throughout time and even across space. Of course this isn't restricted to merely looks, we can think of any other qualities or ability, the genius of an Einstein, the musical talent of a Mozart, etc, which can also be "recycled". The basis of my speculation is what a friend of mine once said about how many homeless people in America have "wasted" their life, and that if they cleaned up they could actually look ravishing, etc. Let's assume that these properties and gifts are valued by God and God doesn't want to "waste" them on people who have wasted their lives.
So, let's say we have the property of looking like "Tom Cruise", and whereas that property is wasted on the actual Tom Cruise who is part of some weird scientology church, God "recycles" that property in some other man somewhere in the world, whether in our time or not, who grows up and lives an unassuming Christian life whose looks is not wasted but has brought enjoyment presumably to his wife. Again, this point can be made without loss of generality for any other "good" qualities, musical, artistic, logical talents, etc, which instead of being wasted in the godless who will simply go into the great incinerator of hell, God simply recycles those property back into this world until it gets the "right" combination of worldly talent and spiritual communion and then it gets incorporated into the Kingdom of Heaven for communion of saint's perpetual enjoyment.
If this sounds a little like the Chinese-Buddhist cosmology where people retain their substantive characteristics and go through the wheel of reincarnation over and over and over again until they "get it right" and escape into heaven, then I suppose there is something to that. Except on my view, since I am an annihilationist, the damned don't have immortal souls which remains in hell forever, rather they're simply decimated and decays into the void while God simply retains their "good" properties and throws it back into the world until it hits the right combination and gets into heaven.
I think there's really something to this idea, and it sort of feeds into the Platonic (gasp!) conviction that God does redeem the Good, True, and Beautiful things of theworld, and eventually they will get all incorporated into the communion of saints for the saint's pleasure.