So yesterday I raised the question of whether there has been any recorded Muslim who has converted to Christianity because of Summa Contra Gentiles. There's a good reason for this and that is that Aquinas did write that work to oppose Islam at that time, so it is a legitimate question as to whether any Muslim has been converted by it.
The fact that we have no recorded example of this goes to show the "presuppositional" nature of a lot of Thomistic apologetics, his Summa Contra Gentiles would not convince any actual gentiles, it was written for a Christian audience, not for the actual Mohammedans, to confirm and reassure them in their prevailing prejudices after the fact. A Muslim who did not come from a Christian cultural background simply wouldn't be persuaded by the frankly subpar argumentation in the Summa. There has been many people, who did not come from a Christian cultural background, who have been persuaded by popular level Evangelical apologetics, Muslims have converted just by reading the Bible itself. But I don't know any Muslim, from history or today, who has been converted by reading the Summa Contra Gentiles.
But I think this phenomenon points to an interesting deeper phenomenon as to how the Aquinas, and Western Ressourcement in general, works. There could in fact have been some Western atheist or agnostics, who have become Christians because of the "grandeur" or vision of Thomistic metaphysics. But this conversion is more out of a "retvrn" kind of sentiment, an affectation for one's cultural heritage, normally Western reactionaries, who wants to connect to the alleged pinnacle of their civilisation, and so become Christian to "somehow somehow" reconnect with their glorious past.
But the irony, as I've noted before, is that Scholasticism came at the tail end of the Christian conversion of Europe (its progenitor is normally identified with Anselm, the "Father of Scholasticism"), they did not convert Europe to Christianity, they speculated in ease and leisure after Europe has been converted, guzzling on the fat built up by other missionaries and conquerors before them and constructing their castles in the air upon their hard work. It is, ironically, very presuppositional in nature despite their loud paens to reason.
Today however, despite the affect for natural law and reason, it is mostly and predominantly Westerners and those who an affect for Western civilisation who like Thomism and the Scholastic project, nobody who isnt part of that specific culture would actually care for it. The whole project, ultimately, is simply running on the fumes of Western Civilisation of old. Eventually it has to be renewed by going back to the sources, and that source isn't Scholasticism, it's the Bible.